Employment support for persons with disabilities

Special Needs Employment Service drives S-Pool's growth. This special feature introduces the reasons for the sharp growth of these services, the characteristics of our business model, and our future growth strategies.

2Why Farms? Why Sharing?

Our business model

Over 92%
Employee retention rate, based on data collected after 1 year of employment.
Over 3,100
People hired through our services, as of November 2022.

A high retention rate, thanks to our original business model

In Japan, we all need to do better to employ persons with intellectual disabilities and those living with mental health problems. To that end, we operate farms called "Work Happiness Farms," where everyone can enjoy an open, flexible workplace. At these farms, companies rent out plots where they directly employ persons with disabilities. Our unique business model has earned us high praise as it allows many companies to solve their retention rate problems. We also take great pride in creating a clean, safe, and rewarding environment for persons with disabilities.

Our business model is the solution society needs

Read more about our business model
Q: Who does S-Pool support?
A. Mostly persons with intellectual disabilities or those living with mental health problems. These individuals tend to have a low employment rate and approximately half have been classified as having severe disabilities.
Breakdown of employedBreakdown of employed

S-Pool's service dominates the current market. We are one of Japan's largest employers of persons with intellectual disabilities.

Q: Tell us more about the business model
A. The figure below illustrates the trilateral relationship.
Our involvement goes beyond providing farm facilities and farm management. We provide a range of employment support services, from recruitment for companies to retention support following employment. The companies do not need any special know-how in employing persons with disabilities or any knowledge in agriculture to use our services.
What S-pool offers
*1 Service 1
  • Accessible workplaces for persons with disabilities
  • Farm facilities and agricultural oversight
*2 Service 2
  • Recruitment
  • Advice for continued employment
  • Trainee acceptance from special education institutions
  • Post-hiring retention support
  • Cooperation with local welfare agencies
  • Planning and operation of workers' parents associations
Q: What happens to the produce grown on the farm?
A. In many cases, we are used the produce to companies using our services as part of the employee benefits package.

The produce grown and harvested at our farms is not sold commercially. Donating produce to employees or children cafeteria is much more effective as it contributes to employee satisfaction, heightens acceptance, and enhances ESG management.


As many people as possible, enjoying rewarding work in our farms

Expanding our services and advantages

Current status of expanding our farms

A typical S-Pool farm

  • 200 plots per farm
  • 12,000 m2 per farm
  • 100 workers per farm

A farm is rented out on a per plot basis to several companies and approximately 100 persons with disabilities work there. The model where multiple corporations sharing farms stabilizes income since it is based on repeat business and not dependent on specific customers.

Advantages for persons with disabilities

  • Enjoyable, rewarding, and engrossing work
  • A safe and clean workplace
  • A total range of support offered, from employment to education and career support

We decided on farming because we wanted to provide enjoyable, rewarding, and engrossing work for individuals with disabilities. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has commented that farm work is suitable for persons with disabilities in terms of their mental health as it gives a sense of fulfillment. S-Pool provides stable and clean work environment and offers total support for achieving future career goals.
Our 92% retention rate is proof that employment at our farms has many advantages.

Promotional video for Work Happiness Farms Joy in Work

A brighter day

What is the growth potential for this business?