special feature Environmental Management Support

Building a sustainable future by supporting corporate efforts to address climate change


Today, in the face of global issues such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, and water security, it is essential not just for national and local governments, but businesses and individuals to shoulder the responsibility of taking practical measures to address environmental problems. In the area of climate change, nations around the world have declared their intentions to achieve carbon neutrality—effectively zero greenhouse gas emissions—by 2050. Growing numbers of businesses regard sustainability matters, including response to climate change, as important business topics. Some industries face the need to go still further—to transform their business models and management strategies.
Around the world, investors have expressed strong interest in ESG management*1  and various countries have actively used ESG assessment and made disclosures based on the TCFD*2  recommendations. Japanese firms find themselves lagging behind global companies in the area of climate change response.
With these conditions in mind, blue dot green Inc. supports corporate activities essential to climate change response and environmental management, including calculations of CO2 emissions, carbon offsets, and responding to the CDP*3  and TCFD initiatives. We will help realize a carbon-neutral society in partnership with numerous firms.

*1 ESG management: Management to achieve sustainable growth by reflecting consideration for the environment and society and ensuring sound governance

*2 TCFD: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, an initiative established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to encourage disclosure by companies of climate-related risks and opportunities

*3 CDP: Carbon Disclosure Project, a project formed by institutional investors to encourage companies to disclose climate change strategies and environmental data, including concrete greenhouse gas emissions figures

Percentage of companies in Japan declaring their support of the TCFD recommendations


* Source: Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC, “Survey of Disclosure Trends in Securities Reports and Annual Reports Among Japanese, U.S., and U.K. Firms Using Text Mining” (2022)

Comprehensively supporting corporate response to climate change

As a team of experts who support environmental management undertaken by a wide range of businesses, blue dot green boasts specific strengths in the area of consulting on responding to climate change. Before reducing their own CO2 emissions, companies must calculate accurate total CO2 emissions figures for their business activities. Next, they must identify hot spots where emissions should be reduced and demonstrate CO2 emissions reductions achieved through reduction efforts, use of carbon offsets, or other measures. For such initiatives, blue dot green provides comprehensive support.
In addition, companies must disclose information on their climate change initiatives under international frameworks such as the CDP and TCFD. Using the CDP framework, they can visualize issues in their own environmental management through disclosures on environmental initiatives; through the TCFD framework, they can draw roadmaps to stronger corporate value through disclosure of initiatives that target the future. While specializing in the preparation of CDP response forms, blue dot green offers consulting on scenario analysis, matters of the utmost importance under the TCFD framework.

Service1 Supporting corporate environmental management , Support for calculating CO2 emissions , Consulting on reducing emissions , Support for carbon offsets
Service2 Supporting disclosure related to environmental management ,Supporting disclosure based on climate change risk analysis , Accurate disclosure of a company’s climate change response to investors

Toward a sustainable future by helping to minimize climate change risks

The Global Risk Report 2022 issued by the World Economic Forum identifies the following as the most severe global risks of the coming decade: 1) climate action failure, 2) extreme weather, and 3) biodiversity loss. As these items suggest, climate-related risks dominate.
By allowing companies to visualize CO2 emissions of company products and services and providing support for climate change and biodiversity initiatives, blue dot green helps reduce climate risks and realize a sustainable future.


Now that companies need to reduce their environmental impact, blue dot green's expertise is increasingly important

Achieving global carbon neutrality will require companies not just to comply with regulations, but to institute reforms actively on their own. Doing so will lead to rapid growth in their corporate value while making them resilient to the various risks that may emerge in the future.
To date, companies in Japan, whether large or small, have pursued autonomous efforts to reduce the environmental impact of their business activities through promoting environmental management systems like those formulated by ISO 14001 and the Ministry of the Environment's Eco Action 21 initiative. The steps of setting targets and developing strategies based on ascertaining the current situation and organizing internal structures to execute and manage them do not differ fundamentally from the items demanded in disclosures in recent years.
In light of the broad range of business activities subject to such disclosure demand as well as the needs for analysis and calculation of future impact and appropriate wording of disclosures, experts like blue dot green in recent years are playing increasingly important supporting roles. The company's sphere of activities can be expected to broaden still further if the need for disclosure widens to include each product and topics beyond greenhouse gases.
I look forward to seeing blue dot green grow still further in the future, as the wealth of experience based on its track record and its flexible support options suited to the individual phases of corporate initiatives are put to further use.

Hideka Morimoto Professor, Waseda University Faculty of Law

As former administrative vice minister for the environment, he was involved in environmental policy for 40 years. He has been engaging in responding to the damage caused by Minamata disease and asbestos, as well as recycling to address issues such as ocean plastic waste while participating in the establishment and operation of the Nuclear Regulation Authority and recovery and revitalization in Fukushima Prefecture since the Great East Japan Earthquake. His publications include Satochi kara no henkaku: Chikyu kankyo jidai no furusato zukuri (Reforms from mountain villages: Community development in the global environmental age) (coauthor; Jiji Press Ltd.). He is a graduate of the departments of private law and political science of the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law.