ESG DataESG Data

Environmental Data

Environmental data are subject to third-party verification by the Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA) to enhance their reliability. For the following data, figures subject to verification are indicated by ◆. (from the Fiscal year ended November 2021 onward)

Energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Item Breakdown Unit Fiscal year
November 2018
(19th period)
Fiscal year
November 2019
(20th period)
Fiscal year
November 2020
(21th period)
Fiscal year
November 2021
(22th period)
Fiscal year
November 2022
(23th period)
Fiscal year
November 2023
(24th period)
(within the
energy consumption
GJ 21,530.07 26,797.91 26,531.98 37,609.31 54,240.71 57,204.57
A type heavy oil kl 249.44 340.69 409.69 533.31 804.28 704.84
Kerosene kl 0.02 0.04 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.50
Diesel kl 1.29 0.26 0.57 110.30 137.15 170.27
Gasoline kl 2.43 0.49 1.08 20.09 14.78 9.14
City gas 1,000m3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.64 0.44
Electricity MWh 3,234.25 3,735.82 2,902.70 3,306.37 4,732.76 5,771.67
Renewable energy
GJ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,988.34 1,472.47
Electricity MWh 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 552.32 1,018.68
Total energy consumption GJ 21,530.07 26,797.91 26,531.98 37,609.31 56,229.05 58,677.04
Energy consumption intensity
(per unit of operating profit)
[GJ/million yen] 21.90 16.71 11.91 14.10 17.52 22.43
Renewable Energy Rate % - - - - 10.45 15.00
Energy consumption
(outside of the
Total energy consumption
(crude oil equivalent)
kl 555.48 691.39 684.52 970.32 1,450.71 1,513.87
GHG emissions Scope1 ◆ [t-CO2eq] 804.45 1,090.96 1,113.08 1,776.85 2,571.80 2,407.58
Scope 2 location-based ◆ [t-CO2eq] 1,617.22 1,823.18 1,274.59 1,497.79 2,288.44 2,947.01
Scope 2 market-based [t-CO2eq] - - - - 1,954.41 2,293.34
Scope 1, Scope 2 location-based [t-CO2eq] 2,421.67 2,914.14 2,387.67 3,274.63 4,860.24 5,354.59
Scope 1, Scope 2 market-based [t-CO2eq] - - - - 4,526.21 4,700.82
Scope 1, Scope 2 location-based
Emission reduction rate
(Base year: 22th period.)
% - - - 0.00 -48.42 -63.52
Scope 1, Scope 2 market-based
Emission reduction rate
(Base year: 22th period.)
% - - - 0.00 -38.22 -51.63
Scope3 [t-CO2eq] 13,272.45 14,954.13 20,280.00 23,908.18 26,755.53 36,916.90
Products and
services purchased ◆
[t-CO2eq] 5,632.99 5,977.10 7,474.30 8,702.63 9,002.33 13,730.93
Capital goods ◆ [t-CO2eq] 3,777.95 5,147.05 7,651.19 8,953.58 11,338.09 15,024.96
Energy activities
other than
Scope 1 and 2 ◆
[t-CO2eq] 346.05 419.99 380.25 513.61 780.17 847.03
Upstream transportation ◆ [t-CO2eq] 3,110.43 2,873.16 4,174.70 4,344.93 4,603.14 6,051.71
Wastes ◆ [t-CO2eq] 81.56 112.72 158.92 463.34 137.86 195.11
Business travel ◆ [t-CO2eq] 90.65 165.17 123.34 223.13 394.95 531.79
Commuting ◆ [t-CO2eq] 232.83 258.94 317.31 706.95 498.99 535.37
Upstream leased assets [t-CO2eq] Included in Scope 1 and 2 Included in Scope 1 and 2 Included in Scope 1 and 2 Included in Scope 1 and 2 Included in Scope 1 and 2 Included in Scope 1 and 2
Downstream transportation [t-CO2eq] Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Product processing [t-CO2eq] Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Product use [t-CO2eq] Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Product disposal [t-CO2eq] Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Downstream leased assets [t-CO2eq] Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Franchises [t-CO2eq] Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Investment [t-CO2eq] Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Scope 1, Scope 2 location-based and Scope3 [t-CO2eq] 15,694.12 17,868.27 22,667.68 27,182.81 31,615.77 42,271.49
Net sales million yen 14,797 17,522 21,009 24,862 26,580 25,784
Operating profit million yen 983 1,604 2,228 2,668 3,210 2,616

Note: Note: Scope of calculations and targets: For each of Scope 1, 2, and 3, the following eight companies (financial control standard) accounting for 99.8% or more of the scope of the Group's businesses: S-Pool, Inc. and consolidated companies S-Pool Human Solutions, Inc., S-Pool Plus, Inc., S-Pool Logistics, Inc., S-Pool Sales Support, Inc., S-Pool Link, Inc., S-Pool Blue dot green Inc., and S-Pool Glocal, Inc.
Note: Calculation methods are based on the Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain (Ver. 2.4) established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment. Emissions intensities are calculated using the Database on Emissions Unit Values for Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain (Ver. 3.2).
Calculations of Scope 1 emissions assume the emissions coefficients based on the calculation, reporting, and publication system set forth by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
Scope 2 location-based are calculated using the national average emission factor from "Emission Factors by Electric Utility (for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions by specific emitters) for submission in 2023".
For Scope 2 market-based, emission factors for the electricity menu provided by the contracted electric power company/building management company were used. If unknown, adjusted emission factors were used from "Emission Factors by Electric Utility (for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions by specific emitters) for submission in 2023".
Note: Since the S-Pool Group does not sell electricity, heat, cooling, steam, etc., consumption arising from sales activities is not indicated.
* Due to the difficulty of ascertaining actual energy use for energy consumption outside of the organization, the crude oil equivalent of heat is calculated using the CO2-converted value of the following figure from the List of Calculation Methods and Emissions Coefficients for the Calculation, Reporting, and Publication System, excluding Scope 3, on the assumption that all Scope 3 figures are petroleum-based emissions.
Crude oil (not including condensate (NGL)): 0.0187 tC/GJ

Social Data

Status of employees and human resource indicators

Item Breakdown Unit Fiscal year
November 2018
(19th period)
Fiscal year
November 2019
(20th period)
Fiscal year
November 2020
(21th period)
Fiscal year
November 2021
(22th period)
Fiscal year
November 2022
(23th period)
Fiscal year
November 2023
(24th period)
Status of
Total number of employees Persons 640 725 849 945 1,060 1,149
Male Persons 308 370 416 437 481 517
Female Persons 332 355 433 508 579 632
of females
% 51.9 49.0 51.0 53.8 54.6 55.0
Age under 30 Persons - - - 414 454 457
Male Persons - - - 149 176 186
Female Persons - - - 265 278 271
Age 30–50 Persons - - - 482 542 593
Male Persons - - - 256 266 279
Female Persons - - - 226 276 314
Age 50 or older Persons - - - 49 64 99
Male Persons - - - 32 39 52
Female Persons - - - 17 25 47
Regular employees Persons 489 542 632 728 865 973
Male Persons 257 297 322 341 392 440
Female Persons 232 245 310 387 473 533
of females
% 47.4 45.2 49.0 53.2 54.7 54.8
Non-regular employees
(contracted employees)
Persons - - - 217 195 176
Male Persons - - - 96 89 77
Female Persons - - - 121 106 99
of females
% - - - 55.8 54.4 56.3
Non-regular employees
(part time)
Persons - - - 244 320 409
Male Persons - - - 109 130 187
Female Persons - - - 135 190 222
of females
% - - - 55.3 59.4 54.3
Full time *1 Persons - - - 1,092 1,264 1,442
Male Persons - - - 530 597 663
Female Persons - - - 562 667 779
of females
% - - - 51.5 52.8 54.0
Other than full time *1 Persons - - - 97 116 148
Male Persons - - - 16 14 44
Female Persons - - - 81 102 104
of females
% - - - 83.5 87.9 70.3
Percentage of
employees 65
or older *1
% 2.6 3.5 2.9 2.8 2.7 3.3
of managers
Number of managers Persons 99 114 138 154 185 203
Female Persons 17 16 22 29 38 43
of females
% 17.2 14.0 15.9 18.8 20.5 21.2
Wage Differentials between Men and Women *3 All employees % - - - - 70.6 83.7
Regular employees % - - - - 69.0 66.6
Non-regular employees % - - - - 78.4 92.5
Employment of
people with
Percentage of
employees with
disabilities *1, 2
% 2.88 2.40 2.63 2.70 3.46 3.72
Number hired *1 Total Persons - - - 499 625 847
Male Persons - - - 188 228 306
Female Persons - - - 311 397 541
of males
% - - - 12.6 12.7 13.8
of females
% - - - 20.8 22.1 24.4
New graduate hires *2 Persons 19 53 54 63 62 45
Male Persons 10 32 27 20 26 26
Female Persons 9 21 27 43 36 19
of females
% 47.3 39.6 50.0 68.3 58.1 42.2
Midcareer hires Persons 391 328 333 435 563 802
Male Persons 136 145 146 169 202 280
Female Persons 255 183 187 266 361 522
of females
% 65.2 55.8 56.2 61.1 64.1 65.1
Age under 30 Persons - - - 270 310 334
Male Persons - - - 78 121 146
Female Persons - - - 192 189 188
Age 30–50 Persons - - - 178 227 288
Male Persons - - - 74 72 92
Female Persons - - - 104 155 196
Age 50 or older Persons - - - 51 88 225
Male Persons - - - 36 35 68
Female Persons - - - 15 53 157
Average years
of continual service
of regular employees
Overall Year 2 years,
10 months
3 years,
0 month
3 years,
4 months
3 years,
4 months
3 years,
0 month
2 years,
6 months
Male Year 3 years,
4 months
3 years,
4 months
3 years,
10 months
3 years,
10 months
3 years,
7 months
3 years,
7 months
Female Year 2 years,
2 months
2 years,
7 months
2 years,
9 months
2 years,
6 months
2 years,
6 months
2 years,
7 months
Number of
employees *2
Total Persons - - - 315 407 619
Voluntary Persons - - - 315 407 619
Involuntary Persons - - - 0 0 0
Male Persons - - - 133 158 209
Female Persons - - - 182 249 410
of males
% - - - 8.9 8.8 9.4
of females
% - - - 12.2 13.8 18.5
Age under 30
Persons - - - 140 185 219
Age under 30
Persons - - - 50 65 78
Age under 30
Persons - - - 90 120 141
Age 30–50
Persons - - - 153 153 247
Age 30–50
Persons - - - 69 64 86
Age 30–50
Persons - - - 84 89 161
Age 50 or older
Persons - - - 22 69 153
Age 50 or older
Persons - - - 14 29 45
Age 50 or older
Persons - - - 8 40 108
Turnover rate
of regular
employees *4
  % 14.2 17.7 12.6 14.9 16.7 18.4

Note: The scope encompasses the following eight companies: S-Pool, Inc., S-Pool Human Solutions, Inc., S-Pool Plus, Inc., S-Pool Logistics, Inc., S-Pool Sales Support, Inc., S-Pool Link Inc., S-Pool Blue dot green Inc., and S-Pool Glocal Inc.
Note: Except as otherwise noted, the scope encompasses the employment forms of regular employees and non-regular employees (contracted employees).
*1 Scope: Regular employees, non-regular employees (contracted employees), non-regular employees (part time)
*2 Figures as of June 1 in each fiscal year
*3 The definition of calculation shall be as follows
Wages: Includes base salary, allowances for overtime work, bonuses, etc., but excludes commuting allowances.
Non-regular employees: Excludes temporary employees employed by S-Pool Human Solutions Inc., and part-time employees employed by S-Pool Logistics Inc., and S-Pool Sales Support Inc.
Number of employees: Any fraction of less than one person resulting from the calculation is rounded off to one decimal place.
Maternity, childcare leave, leave of absence, etc.: If the payment for the relevant month is zero, it is not counted as the number of employees for the relevant month.
*4 Resignation for personal reasons

Work-life balance

Item Breakdown Unit Fiscal year
November 2018
(19th period)
Fiscal year
November 2019
(20th period)
Fiscal year
November 2020
(21th period)
Fiscal year
November 2021
(22th period)
Fiscal year
November 2022
(23th period)
Fiscal year
November 2023
(24th period)
of annual paid
leave taken *1
% 40.0 40.1 44.3 51.9 60.5 60.3
working hours
per month
Overall Hours - - - 161:06 165:49 164:31
Regular employees Hours - - - 172:23 174:43 175:11
Contracted employees Hours - - - 153:20 163:54 159:27
Internal part-time
Hours - - - 157:51 124:27 123:20
overtime hours
per month *1
Hours 21.3 19.8 17.4 17.2 20.2 17.3
taking childcare
leave *1
Total Persons - - - 30 32 54
Male Persons - - - 4 1 7
Female Persons - - - 26 31 47
Employees returning
from childcare
leave *1
Total Persons - - - 14 9 28
Male Persons - - - 3 2 6
Female Persons - - - 11 7 22
Current employees
who have returned
from childcare leave *1
Total Persons - - - 24 38 33
Male Persons - - - 2 6 4
Female Persons - - - 22 32 29
Rate of return after
childcare leave *1, 2
Total % - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0
Male % - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0
Female % - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0
Rate of retention
after childcare
leave *1, 3
Total % - - - 100.0 100.0 90.9
Male % - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0
Female % - - - 100.0 100.0 87.5

Note: The scope encompasses the following eight companies: S-Pool, Inc., S-Pool Human Solutions, Inc., S-Pool Plus, Inc., S-Pool Logistics, Inc., S-Pool Sales Support, Inc., S-Pool Link Inc., S-Pool Blue dot green Inc., and S-Pool Glocal Inc.
Note: Except as otherwise noted, the scope encompasses the employment forms of regular employees and non-regular employees (contracted employees).
*1 Scope: Regular employees, non-regular employees (contracted employees), non-regular employees (part time)
*2 Total number of employees who returned from childcare leave ÷ Total number of employees who planned to return from childcare leave
*3 Total number of employees who returned from childcare leave during the previous reporting period and are still employed 12 months later ÷ Total number of employees who returned from childcare leave during the previous reporting period

Employee education

Item Breakdown Unit Fiscal year
November 2018
(19th period)
Fiscal year
November 2019
(20th period)
Fiscal year
November 2020
(21st period)
Fiscal year
November 2021
(22nd period)
Fiscal year
November 2022
(23rd period)
Fiscal year
November 2023
(24th period)
Skills development
training *1
Total hours of
skills development
Hours 710 1,390 1,410 1,600 1,723 20,870
Hours of training
per employee
Hours 1.1 1.9 1.7 2.0 2.3 13.3
Training costs
per employee
Yen 24,166 36,382 42,713 34,826 57,700 19,314
Percentage ofemployees
undergoing career
development reviews
(periodic interviews) *2
Total % - - - 90.8 97.2 98.6
Regular employees % - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0
Contracted employees % - - - 81.5 94.4 97.2

Note: The scope encompasses the following eight companies: S-Pool, Inc., S-Pool Human Solutions, Inc., S-Pool Plus, Inc., S-Pool Logistics, Inc., S-Pool Sales Support, Inc., S-Pool Link Inc., S-Pool Blue dot green Inc. , and S-Pool Glocal Inc.
*1 Capacity-building training sponsored by the Human Resources Division. Total hours of training for new graduates within the first three years and for managers (the scope of training to be counted and the method of counting the hours will be changed from FY2023).
*2 Excludes internal part-time employees. Among contracted employees, reviews are not conducted for those hired under the free-agent program.

Governance Data

Corporate governance structure

Item Breakdown Unit Fiscal year
November 2018
(19th period)
Fiscal year
November 2019
(20th period)
Fiscal year
November 2020
(21st period)
Fiscal year
November 2021
(22nd period)
Fiscal year
November 2022
(23rd period)
Fiscal year
November 2023
(24rd period)
of Board
of Directors
Number of directors *1 Persons 6 6 6 6 6 6
Male Persons 5 5 5 5 5 5
Female Persons 1 1 1 1 1 1
of females
% 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6
Age under 30
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age under 30
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age under 30
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age 30–50 (overall) Persons 3 3 2 2 2 2
Age 30–50
Persons 2 2 1 1 1 1
Age 30–50
Persons 1 1 1 1 1 1
Age 50 or older (overall) Persons 3 3 4 4 4 4
Age 50 or older
Persons 3 3 4 4 4 4
Age 50 or older
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Number of external directors Persons 3 3 3 3 3 3
Percentage of
external directors
% 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
Number of Board
of Directors
Meetings / attendance
Number of Board of Directors
Meetings held *2
Times 21 20 17 17 17 17
Attendance rate of
all directors *3
% 100.0 98.2 99.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Attendance rate of
external directors *3
% 100.0 96.2 98.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Composition of
Board of
Statutory Auditors
Number of
statutory auditors *1
Persons 3 3 3 3 3 3
Male Persons 2 2 2 2 2 2
Female Persons 1 1 1 1 1 1
of females
% 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3
Age under 30
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age under 30
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age under 30
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age 30–50
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age 30–50
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age 30–50
Persons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age 50 or older
Persons 3 3 3 3 3 3
Age 50 or older
Persons 2 2 2 2 2 2
Age 50 or older
Persons 1 1 1 1 1 1
Number of external
statutory auditors
Persons 3 3 3 3 3 3
Percentage of external
statutory auditors
% 100 100 100 100 100 100
Number of Board
of Statutory Auditors
Meetings / attendance
Number of Board of
Directors Meetings held *2
Times 16 15 14 15 15 13
Attendance rate
of external
directors *3
% 97.9 100.0 97.6 100.0 97.8 100.0
Composition of
executive officers
Number of executive officers *1 Persons 18 20 21 24 27 27
Male Persons 18 20 21 22 25 25
Female Persons 0 0 0 2 2 2
of females
% 0 0 0 8.3 7.4 7.4

*1 Figures as of the end of each fiscal year
*2 Held December–November of each fiscal year
*3 Attendance rate during term of office

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